Tapping on the highly successful reading programme, budding learners kickstart their ability to read while young avid readers work on picking up various literacy skills stemming from a wide range of Fitzroy Readers.
The Fitzroy Readers are a set of 90 story books that children read for themselves. The Readers take the young learner from simple sounding words like cat and mat (in the 1st story) through to words like appreciative and consciousness (in the final story) in 90 easy steps.
Learners make rapid progress with the Fitzroy Readers because of the logical progression of new sounds. There are no surprises in the Fitzroy Method. Each new sound (such as ar, er, all, or tion) is introduced with a particular story. The immediate reward of each Reader is that children can decipher more of the words they see in the world around them.
A few new special (non-phonic) words such as what and eye are also introduced with each story. The new sounds and special words are rehearsed before starting the story: then the child finds they can read the story for themselves. This gives the learner confidence, enthusiasm, and a sense of ownership of the written language.
At Kidz Literacy Cove, we supplement these books with the use of a reading pen - Pen Pal Whizz - which teaches children how to read, quizzes them on the understanding of the stories and enable them to record themselves retelling the stories. This makes the entire learning process simple yet fun! Book a trial reading session with us today to kiskstart your child’s reading!